The college has various clubs and associations that conducts a wide range of activities in connection with their academic programme to develop awareness and a sense of responsibility among students.
Debate/Quiz club
Students proficient in debate can join the Debate Club of the college. After a selection test, students will be enrolled in Quiz teams and they represent college in various competitions.
Dr. O.C. Promod (Convenor)
Prof. Sowmya Mary Thomas
Dr. Mini Samuel
Prof. Lini K. Mathew
Arts and Cultural Forum
This forum in collaboration with various government and other reputed agencies, organizes cultural programmes.
Prof.Shiny Kochummen (Convenor)
Prof. Lt. Dr. Baiju P Jose
Prof. Smitha Kochummen
Dr. Mini Samuel
Dr. O.C. Promod
Tourism and Nature Club
The activities conducted by this club generate an awareness and interest in the minds of students about ecological systems. Various programmes and workshops enable the members to identify environmental issues and to seek remedies for those.
Prof. Sajin Philip (Convener)
Prof. Rajeena V Rajan
Prof. Reshma Susan George
Science Forum
In order to inculcate a scientific culture among students, the Science Forum in association with science departments of the college, arranges special programmes on recent trends and developments in the field of science.
Dr. Anoop Chandran
Prof. Rajeena V Rajan
Vimukthi Club

Inauguration of Vimukti Club on October 16,2019 – Sri K Mohanan,Circle Inspector Of Excise ,Adoor inaugurated the Vimukti Club and Sri A Harikumar Preventive Officer gave the keynote address.After the inauguration the vimukti club members in association with NSS and the College Union performed a dance drama.