The Department of English has been a sacred turf of learning ever since its fraternity with the parent institution, St Cyril’s College, Adoor. Owing its allegiance to the great tradition set by the torch bearers of education, the department has lit the lamp of wisdom of the students and has been refurbishing its glow to be spread far and wide. English language is considered Western and urban and has been kept at bay from the rural community. This prompted the college to begin an Under Graduate course in English Language and Literature and the Department amalgamated in 1995 proving to be a blessing to the laymen of Adoor who wished to educate their wards in the Western man’s language. The department engages in the following activities:
- To prop the students to the multitudinous facets of Language and Literature.
- Making them proficient in the four skills of Listening, Speaking Reading and Writing
- Kindling the creative, imaginative and reasoning aptitudes of the mind
- Provide the best exposure to Culture and Theory
- Create multilingual, multifarious and multidimensional perspectives to reach out to the interdisciplinary levels of the globe.
Department Website: www.cyrilsenglish.com
The Department of English is proud to announce that we have introduced a YouTube Channel for the students amidst the Covid pandemic. YouTube Channel