Our College Library serves as the academic community’s key information resource. The College Library has a stunning collection of interesting books on science and other General Subjects. The collection includes books, journals, magazines, and CD ROMs in different subject areas. Every college library has an important role in the general educational development of every staff and student of its parental organization. This library can also be considered the academic center of St. Cyril’s College, Adoor. It started functioning right from the beginning of the College in 1981. Our library provides the students with a very healthy learning environment and a very calm and disciplined atmosphere which helps students maintain a good concentration on their studies. Also, students can make use of reference books which can help them to make some quality notes. The College Library has a subscription to the NLIST database through which we have access to various e-resources.
The library now has a collection of about 24200 books. Of these, 619 books are reference books. Our library is automated using LIBSOFT, a well-known library management software, which has several advanced features, enabling the college library to become more user-oriented in the current digital era. It has features like web OPAC and gate register and the OPAC facility is also available to users through a mobile app (Android OPAC APP for Android Smartphones) which makes it more convenient to use. We also have a digital library with enormous resources. It also lists the new arrivals in the library, with e-newspapers and access to many more e-resources at your fingertips.
St.Cyril’s College Digital Library
For the smooth functioning of the Library, we have a few rules which are as follows:
- The Library remains open from 9:00 am to 4.00 pm on all working days.
Strict silence is to be observed in the library. - An open-access system is followed in the library. Users can take books by themselves from the racks. In case of any difficulty in locating a book, they may seek the help of a Librarian or Library assistant.
- Personal belongings such as books, bags, issued books, etc. should be kept at the property counter
- Books in the reference section, periodicals, and journals are not loaned out.
- Users will have to produce their bar-coded ID card at the time of issue of books.
- Books are issued for 14 days which can be renewed only once for 7 days. Defaulters will have to pay a fine of Rs.1.00 per day for each book. If the due date for the return of books falls on weekends or holidays the book must be returned on the next working day without fine.
- Borrowers have to bring the book to the library to get it reissued.
- Borrower shall be responsible for the safe return of the books to the library. Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the book before borrowing, otherwise, they shall be responsible for the damage noticed at the time of return.
- The reservation of books facility is available in the library.
- Users shall not exchange between themselves the books borrowed from the library.
- Marking, underlining, scribbling, writing, etc. on the books are strictly forbidden.
Librarian: Mrs Aswathi G S
E Resources
Our college provides access to N-LIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content), which is a project of INFLIBNET (Information and Library Network Centre) that provides access to electronic resources and academic databases to students, researchers and faculty members. It helps to promote academic excellence by providing quality information resources.
- Digital Library https://stcyrils.libsoft.net
Through this, students and staff get access to various open source e resources like e- newspapers, databases etc. Latest arrivals in the library are also displayed here.