Department of History

St. Cyril’s college, Adoor was started as a junior college under the University of Kerala in the year 1981. The college was upgraded in 1991, with the introduction of BA History with Prof. D.K.John as Head of the Department who continued to raise the glory of the college to higher heights. He was succeeded by Dr.Varghese Perayil and then the baton was passed in to the hands of Prof. Jose.V.Koshy. Since its inception, History department was instrumental in imparting educational wisdom and guiding the youth to the path of righteousness. Alumni from the department have brought much fame to the college by their contributions to the socio-economic and political spheres of the state.    The important activities of the department are Departmental meetings, Tutorial System and Counselling, PTA meetings, Study tours, Alumni Association, Quiz and debate etc. The Department also has a HISTORY ASSOCIATION (ISTORIA) and it plays a vital role in the activities of the department. This Association started functioning from the very beginning of the department. Almost all the important functions of the department are carried out by the Association. Istoria, releases manuscript magazines every year.