Dr Anoop Chandran
Assistant Professor of Physics

Important Positions
Member of American Chemical Society (ACS)
Affiliate member ( Royal Society of Chemistry, UK)
Research Guide ( Kerala University)
Research Coordinator of the college
Ad hoc faculty (IIRBS, M.G. University, Kottayam)
Dr. D.S. Kothari Post doctoral Position
KSCSTE funded Major Research Project Fellow
U.G. Admission Coordinator (St. Cyril’s College)
P.G. Admission Coordinator (St. Cyril’s College)
Paper Publications
International Journals
- Anoop Chandran, Soosen Samuel M, Jiji Koshy and K C George ‘Correlated barrier hopping in CdS nanoparticles and nanowires’’ Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 084314.
- Anoop Chandran, Soosen Samuel M, Jiji Koshy and K C George ‘’Dielectric relaxation behavior of CdS nanoparticles and nanowires” Journal of Materials Science. 46 (2011) 4646.
- Soosen Samuel M, Jiji Koshy, Anoop Chandran and K C George, Electric charge transport and dielectric spectroscopy of ZnO nanotubes. Current Applied Physics, 11(2011)1094.
- Soosen Samuel M, Jiji Koshy, Anoop Chandran and K C George, “Dielectric behavior and electric charge transport in ZnO nanorods”, Physica B, 406 (2011) 3023
- Soosen Samuel M, Anoop Chandran, Jiji Koshy, and K C George, “Correlated barrier hopping in ZnO nanorods”, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 113702.
- Anoop Chandran, K. C. George, Defect induced modifications in the optical, dielectric, and transport properties of hydrothermally prepared ZnS nanoparticles and nanorods, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 16 (2014) 2238
- Anoop Chandran, K. C. George, Phase instability and defect induced evolution of optical properties in Cd rich-CdS nanoparticles, J. Appl. Phys. 115 (2014) 164309
- Dielectric Properties of CuO Nanoparticles Prepared by Precipitation Method, Jiji Koshy, Soosen Samuel, Anoop Chandran, Pournami Vijayan, K C George, IJCPS 4 (2015) 71.
- Correlated barrier hopping of CuO nanoparticles, Jiji Koshy, Samuel. M Soosen, Anoop Chandran and K. C. George , Journal of Semiconductors 36 (2015) 122003
- Surface-defect induced modifications in the optical properties of α-MnO 2 nanorods, R E John, A Chandran, M Thomas, J Jose, KC George, Applied Surface Science 367 (2016) 43
- High temperature ferroelectric behaviour in α-MnO2 nanorods realised through enriched oxygen vacancy induced non-stoichiometry , Reenu Elizabeth John, Anoop Chandran, Justin George,c Ajai Jose,a Gijo Jose,a Joshy Jose,a V. Unnikrishnan,b Marykutty Thomas*d and K. C. George, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (PCCP) 2017 (Accepted and published online. Volume number yet to be assigned)
- George, M. S. Sanu, V. P. Prakashan, M. S. Sajna, M. Faisal, A. Chandran, R. Wilson, P. R. Biju, C. Joseph, N. V. Unnikrishnan, Morphological, dielectric, tunable electromagnetic interference shielding and thermal characteristics of multiwalled carbon nanotube incorporated polymer nanocomposites: A facile, environmentally benign and cost effective approach realized via polymer latex/waterborne polymer as matrix, Polymer Composites 39 (2018) E1169
- George, M. S. Sanu, V. P. Prakashan, M. S. Sajna, M. Faisal, R. Wilson, A. Chandran, P. R. Biju, C. Joseph, N. V. Unnikrishnan, Green and facile approach to prepare polypropylene/in situ reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites with excellent electromagnetic interference shielding properties, RSC Advances 53 (2018) 30412
- Sanu Mathew Simon, Anoop Chandran, Gejo George et. al , Development of Thick Superhydrophilic TiO 2 –ZrO 2 Transparent Coatings Realized through the Inclusion of Poly(methyl methacrylate) and Pluronic-F127, ACS Omega 2 (2018) 14924
- R E John, A Chandran, M Samuel, M Thomas, K C George, Origin of colossal dielectric behavior in hydrothermally prepared non-stoichiometric α-MnO2 nanorods, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 116 (2020) 113720
- S M Simon, A Chandran et.al., Robust polymer incorporated TiO2-ZrO2 microsphere coatings by electrospraying technique with excellent and durable self cleaning, antibacterial and photocatalytic functionalities, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021 ( Accepted)
- S M Simon, G George, A Chandran et al., Robust polymer incorporated TiO2‐ZrO2 microsphere coatings by electrospraying technique with excellent and durable self cleaning, antibacterial and photocatalytic functionalities, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 138 (2021) 50880.
- P Vijayan, P Vijayan, A Chandran and K. C. George, Anomalous Dielectric Behavior in Co-Doped TiO2 Nanotubes: Effect of Oxygen Vacancy Mediated Defect Dipole Pairs, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 10 (2021) 113006.
- Omana, Lekshmi, A Chandran et al., Recent Advances in Polymer Nanocomposites for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding: A Review, ACS omega, 7 (2022) 25921.
- Sanu Mathew Simon, Prakashan V.P., Sajna M.S., Anoop Chandran, Gejo George, Eric K. Barmiah, Gin Jose, Biju P.R., Cyriac Joseph, Unnikrishnan N.V., Development and characterizations of Ag nanoparticles decorated TiO2-ZrO2 coatings as electrode material for supercapacitors, Results in Surfaces and Interfaces, 10 (2023) 100090.
National Journals and Peer reviewed conference proceedings of international publishers
- Anoop Chandran, N Francis, T Jose, KC George, “Synthesis, structural characterization and optical bandgap determination of ZnS nanoparticles”, SB Academic Review 17, 17-21
- Anoop Chandran, Soosen Samuel M, Jiji Koshy and K C George “High temperature hopping conduction in ZnS nanoparticles” Macmillan advanced Research series. (2010) 147. (Book Chapter)
- Soosen Samuel M, Jiji Koshy, Anoop Chandran and K C George, Optical phonon confinement in ZnO nanorods and nanotubes, Indian journal of pure and applied physics 48 (2010) 703.
- Anoop Chandran, Soosen Samuel M, Jiji Koshy and K C George, “Gaussian confinement of phonons in CdS nanoparticles” AIP Conference Proceedings 1349 (2010) 329
- Soosen Samuel M, Jiji Koshy, Anoop Chandran and K C George, “Correlated barrier hopping in ZnO nanotubes” AIP Conference Proceedings 1349 (2010) 325
- Soosen Samuel M, Anoop Chandran, Jiji Koshy and K. C. George, Optical properties of Al-doped ZnO nanorods, AIP conference Proceedings, 1391 (2011) 555
- Jiji Koshy, M. Soosen Samuel, Anoop Chandran and K. C. George, Optical Properties of CuO Nanoparticles, AIP Conf. Proc. 1391, 576 (2011)
- Rietveld refinement and experimental determination of optical and electrical properties of K+ stabilized α-MnO2 nanostructures, R. E John, Anoop Chandran et. al. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 360 (2018) 012013
- Sanu Mathew Simon, Anoop Chandran, V. P. Prakashan, N. V. Unnikrishnan et al., Synthesis and hydrophilic mechanism of porous TiO2-ZrO2 transparent coatings, AIP Conference Proceedings (2019) 2082
- S M Simon, G George, A Chandran et.al., Morphological and thermal studies of mesoporous TiO2-ZrO2 and TiO2-ZrO2-polymer composites as potential self cleaning surface, Materials Today: Proceedings 33 (2020) 1327
- Lekshmi, O, A Chandran et al., Development of highly stable carbon nanotube incorporated polyvinyl alcohol composite films for EMI shielding applications, AIP Conference Proceedings 2369 (2021).
- Justin George, Anesh Manjaly Poulose, Anoop Chandran, Arcot A Somashekar,
Influence of plasticizer on the dielectric properties of polypropylene/carbon black composites, Materials Today: Proceedings,
Books Edited:
- ” Recent Advances in Graphene and Graphene-Based Technologies” A Chandran, NV Unnikrishnan, MK Jayaraj, RE John, J George ( 2023) Institute of Physics, UK.
Book Chapters
- Anoop Chandran, Soosen Samuel M, Jiji Koshy and K C George “High temperature hopping conduction in ZnS nanoparticles” Macmillan advanced Research series. (2010)
- Kuruvila Joseph, Anoop Chandran and Gejo George “Gas transport properties of polymers” Transport Properties of Polymeric Membranes-Elsevier (2018)
- Gejo George,Runcy Wilson, Anoop Chandran, Sajna M. Shamsudeen, Prakashan Valparambil, Nellipparambil Vishwambharan Unnikrishnan, Sorption and diffusion properties of wood/plastic composites, Recent Advances in Diffusion and Transport Phenomena of Composite Materials, Transtech Publications, Switzerland, 2019, 23, Pages, 187-200. (Book Chapter)
- Runcy Wilson, Gejo George, Prajith P G, Sanu Mathew Simon, Anoop Chandran, Nellipparambil Vishwambharan Unnikrishnan, Thermo mechanical properties of Carbon nanotube composites, Recent Advances in Diffusion and Transport Phenomena of Composite Materials, Transtech Publications, Switzerland, 23 Pages, 90-103 (Book Chapter).
- John, R.E., Unnikrishnan, N.V., Varghese, S.S., Lekshmi, O. and Chandran, A., 2023. Synthesis methods of graphene. In Recent Advances in Graphene and Graphene-Based Technologies (pp. 2-1). Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing.
Invited Talks
1. “SIGNIFICANCE OF INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH IN SCIENCE” in Prof. V I Joseph Memorial Lecture Series organized by the P.G and Research department of physics, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta on 11.09.2020( 2 pm)
2. ” How to Write Research Report” in one day seminar on research methodology organized by the department of Physics, St. Cyril’s College, Adoor on 13/03/23
Paper Presentation (Selected)
- Oral Presnetaion on “Dependence of electrical conductivity of nanocrystalline ZnS on annealing temperature” during “ National workshop on Quantum systems and nanoscale devices” held at St. Thomas college, Palai from 3-5, December 2009.
- Poster presentation on “High temperature hopping conduction in ZnS nanoparticles” during “ International conference on nanomaterials and nanotechnology (NANO-2010)” held at KSR college of technology, Tiruchengode from 13-16, December 2010.
- Poster presentation on “ Gaussian confinement of phonons in CdS nanoparticles” during “55th DAE-Solid State Physics symposium” held at Manipal university, Manipal from 26-30, December 2010.
- Poster presentation on “Dielectric and electrical transport properties of ZnS nanoparticles and nanorods” during “Indo-US workshop on nano-structured electronic materials” held at CMET, Thrissur from 8-11, December 2013.
- Oral presentation on “Optical phonon confinement in CdS nanoparticles and nanorods” during “27th Kerala Science Congress” held at Alapuzha from 27-29, January 2015.
- Poster presentation on “ Resonance Raman studies of CdS nanorods” during “ National seminar on Nanoscience and nanotechnology” held at Centre for nanoscience and nanotechnology, University of kerala, Kariavattom from 19-20, March 2015
- Poster presentation on “ Optical phonon confinement and e-p coupling strength in hydrothermally prepared Cadmium sulfide nanorods” during “ Second international conference on materials science and technology (ICMST 2016)” held at St. Thomas College, Palai from 5-8, June 2016
- Oral presentation on “Raman spectroscopic investigations of CdS nanoparticles heavily doped with Mn” during “International meeting on highly correlated systems (IMHCS-2017” held at IUCNN, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam from 24-26 March 2017. (Won Third Prize)
Refresher and orientation programmes attended
1) Successfully completed a 4-Week Induction/Orientation Programme for
“Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education”organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
2. Successfully completed an FDP programme on”MANAGING ONLINE CLASSES AND CO-CREATING MOOCS 3.0″organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
Achievements and Awards
Dr. D.S Kothari Post doctoral Fellowship
Research Guideship ( Kerala University)
Best Faculty Award-2023 (St. Cyril’s College)
Served as a referee for the international journals ” ACS applied surfaces and interfaces”, ACS applied engineering materials”, “Journal of Applied Physics”, “Modern Physics Letters B” and the national journal “Indian Journal of Physics”
Area of Expertise: Nanotechnology, Polymer nanocomposites.
Number of students doing PhD.: 3
Number of vacancies: 1
Research Projects Sanctioned:
- ” Fabrication of conducting, eco-friendly polymer nanocomposite for EMI shielding applications” Student Project Funded by KSCSTE. Amount sanctioned: Rs 10000 (Role: PI)
- ” Development of biocompatible hydrogels for food packaging application” , Funded by Sustainable Plastics Ltd. Amount Sanctioned: NZ$ 2500 (Role: PI)
Number of MPhil Projects supervised: 3
Number of MSc Projects Supervised: 20
- Sajin Philip
- Dr S Alen
- Dr.Anoop Chandran
- Rejeena V. Rajan
- Promod O.C.
- Dr Anila K.
- Dr.Siji Rachel George
- Mini Mathew
- Daisy Mathew
- Mini Samuel
- Mariam John
- Nisha Mathew
- Elizabeth George
- Soorya Anand
- John Major Thomas
- Shiny Kochummen
- Runcy Wilson
- Anitha Thomas
- Smita Kochummen
- Susan Alexander
- Sowmya Mary Thomas
- Reshma Susan George
- Capt.Prof.(Dr.)Baiju P. Jose
- Seraphi John
- A.K.Thomas
- Monishalal M
- Prof. Lini K Mathew