
As per GO MS 5/2001/H Edn dtd 15/01/2002, the first term/ semester of tuition fee and special fess from students of senior classes should be collected within a period of seven consecutive working days beginning from the date of re- opening of the college. in case of students of junior classes the first term/ semester of tuition fees due till the date of admission with special fees and caution deposit should be collected on the date of admission. Subsequent term/ session fees should be paid on or before the 7th working day of the concerned month.


1. Application for admission should be made in the prescribed form within the time limit specified.

2. Late application will not be entertained.

3. Application form can be had from the college office on payment in cash of registration fee of Rs. 30/- (Rupees Thirty only).

4. No notice will be taken of the applications incompletely filled up.

5. Admission and selection to all courses are to be in accordance with the Direct Payment Agreement.

6. Copies of certificates showing date of birth, marks, caste and proficiency in extra curricular activities should be attached.

7. Original mark list and certificates should not be sent with the application. The College cannot accept any responsibility for the loss of original documents sent along with the application.

8. Original mark list and certificate should be produced at the time of interview.

9. Name of applicants provisionally selected will be displayed on the College notice board and a memo card will be sent to the candidate provisionally selected, to appear for an interview at the Principal’s office. Selection will be finalised only after the interview. The college will not be responsible for the non-receipt or belated receipt of interview card.

10. The applicants when coming for interview must be accompanied by their guardian and should produce the following documents:
a) Memo card.
b) Transfer Certificate.
c) The original pass certificate and mark list of the qualifying examination.
d) Candidates from Universities / Boards other than Kerala should produce Migration Certificate and Eligibility Certificate.
e) S.S.L.C. Book.
f) Conduct Certificate from the head of the school/college last attended.
g) Malankara Catholic students should produce Community Certificate and Catechism Certificate from the respective parish priest.

h) Income certificate should be produced in the case of Other Backward Community students and those eligible for fee concession under K.P.C.R. Otherwise they will not be considered eligible for fees concession.
h) Four passport size photographs.
i) Six self addressed envelopes.

11. Students who are finally selected for admission after the interview will have to ensure their seats by paying the prescribed fees as shown in the memo card.

12. Fee at the following rates are payable by the students of the college.

I. Tuition Fee………..
B.A/B.Sc./B.Com Rs.660/- (in 2 Semesters)
M.A./M.Sc. Rs.1100/- (2 Semesters).

II. Special Fees
Rs.1400/- for Degree and Rs.1000/- for Post Graduate

III. Lab Fee
a) BSc. Rs. 380/-per annum for main subject and Rs.100/- for each
complementary subject
b) M.Sc E/Science Rs.900/-per year.

IV. Caution Deposit.
B.A / B.Sc / B.Com Rs.360/-
M.A / M.Sc Rs.600/-
(The caution deposit will be refunded to the student at the time of his/her leaving the college in May after the University final examination and after making necessary deductions towards his/her dues if any. The refund of caution deposit will be made only on production of the first fee receipt)

13. Fee Concession
a) No fee will be collected from the students who belongs to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Christian converts. But caution deposit will have to be paid by Christian converts. The entries in the S.S.L.C Book will ordinarily be considered as proof of the community.
b) Students belonging to other backward communities and converts from among them should produce certificates regarding community from the Tahasildar and income from the Village Officer at the time of their admission. Income limit for the Degree course is Rs.25000/- and P.G. Course Rs.42000/- No fee will be collected from candidates whose guardian’s annual income is within the above limit but caution deposit will have to be paid.
c) The income certificate obtained from the Village Officer duly countersigned by Panchayat President/Muncipal Chairman/M.L.A will be accepted.
d) Candidate claming full fee concession should submit their application for the same in the prescribed form after joining the class
e) The caste and income certificate should not be attached with the application for admission.

14. Students belonging to both Socially and Educationally backward Communities as well as forward Communities are eligible for the grant of full fee concession under the scheme of Kumara Pillai Commission Report provided the guardian’s annual income is not more than Rs 25000/- for Degree Course. and P.G. Couses Rs.42000/-
Kerala state Scholarship for Arts and Science course are available to students in their first year of study in various courses provided they have secured 50% marks and above in their qualifying examination and the annual income of their parents does not exceed 3000/- for Degree Courses. This scholarship is awarded on merit cum means basis subject to the number alloted each year.

15. Members of political organizations will not be admitted and students are forbidden to join any political or subversive organisation.

16. If a student leaves the college after enrolment he/she shall have to pay the fees as per rules.

17. College provides hostel accomodation for women students. The Jayamatha Hostel for women is run by the Rev. Sisters. Application form for admission to Hostel should be obtained from Warden Jayamatha Hostel. Men students may stay with their relations or in approved hostels only.

18. As the Plus Two / Degree Certificates will have to be surrendered to the College at the time of admission, students are advised in their own interests to have certified extracts of the marks in qualifying examination(Plus Two and Degree respectively) and the page containing the date of birth made out before admission.


Code of Ethics


The following guidelines are issued in order to help the students to conduct themselves courteously and in accordance with the highest standards of mannerly behaviour.

1. Every student shall behave and conduct himself in the college and the hostel in a dignified and courteous manner and should be respectful to the teachers.

2. Consumption of narcotic drugs, tobacco, alcohol etc. are strictly prohibited in the campus and the hostel and action will be initiated against those who are found to have consumed them.

3. Students are prohibited from indulging in anti-institutional, anti-national, anti-social, communal, immoral or political expressions and activities within the campus and hostel.

4. Learning not to damage property whether public or private is one of the primary requirements of civilized behaviour. Students, shall not disfigure/damage or destroy public or college properties. In the event of such damage or destruction the cost of such properties will be recovered from the student/students concerned. Disciplinary action will also be taken against the delinquents.

5. Silence shall be maintained in the college library and the premises of the office.

6. Unauthorised entry of outsiders into the campus as well as the hostel is strictly prohibited. Without specific permission of the authorities, students shall not bring outsiders to the college or the hostel.

7. No one shall bring, distribute or circulate any notice, pamphlet, leaflet etc. with in the campus or the hostel. The possession distribution or exhibition of any object which is perse obscene within the campus or the hostel is also actionable offence.

8. Nobody shall exhibit any type of banners, flags, boards etc. inside the campus, gates, walls and on the compound walls. Similarly, students are prohibited from disfiguring the walls of the college building.

9. Politically based students and other organizations or outfits are not allowed in the campus. Students are strictly prohibited from organizing, attending or participating in any activity or agitation sponsored by the politically based student organizations.

10. The college being a temple of learning and an exclusive academic zone, nobody shall respond to any call for any form of strike or agitation including slogan shouting, dharna, gherao, burning in effigy or indulge in anything which may harm the peaceful and serene atmosphere of the institution and shall eschew from violence within the campus and hostel.

11. Any student who is found to exert undue influence on fellow students will be strictly dealt with. No student is allowed to enter classes of other batches when the class is in session.

12. No student will enter or leave the class room when the session is on without the permission of the teacher. ‘

13. Students absenting themselves without submitting proper leave application for more than ten working days will have their names removed from the rolls. They may be readmitted only at the discretion of the principal.

14. Usage of cell phones within the campus is prohibited. Violation of the ban would entail seizure of the same with fine.

15. There is a students’ grievance redressal cell in the college. In case the students have any grievance or complaint they may approach the Head of the Department first and if not satisfied, the principal. The principal will at his, discretion refer the matter to the students grievance redressal cell consisting of the Vice-principal (or an impartial senior teacher), one HOD and one Senior teacher (Selection Grade/Reader) nominated by the principal.

16. Students who are charged in criminal offence or are under suspension will not be allowed to enter the college campus without the permission of the principal.

17. The principal shall have power to declare holiday for the college if he is satisfied that peaceful academic functioning of the college cannot be carried on.

18. Any case of criminal activity or violation of law and order in the college campus will be reported to the police and the police shall register case and initiate action against the offenders.

19. The terms and conditions of admission and the code of conduct are included in the college calendar issued to the students and are binding on the students. In the application form for admission an undertaking shall be given by the student and the parent accordingly,

20. In the matter of internal discipline the decision of the principal shall be final.

21. Students should not throw litter in the campus; rather place them only in the waste bins. This campus is yours and you are bound to keep it clean.

22. Students are expected to be properly dressed. Show clothes are to be avoided. Women students are expected to show lady-like dignity in their dress and general behavior.

23. Students are not permitted to drive their two-wheelers into the prohibited area of the campus.

24. Any student who is persistently insubordinate, who is repeatedly or wilfully mischievous, who is guilty of fraud or mal-practice in connection with examinations or who, in the opinion of the principal, is likely to have an unwholesome influence on his fellow students, shall be removed from the rolls. The removal shall be either temporary or permanent according to the gravity of the offence.

25. Rise from your seats when the teacher enters the class room and remain standing till he takes his seat or till you are allowed to sit down. Greet your teacher appropriately when the teacher enters the class. Rise again and say ‘Thank you, Sir’ when the teacher leaves the classroom.

26. Nothing is more appreciated in a student than courteous and mannerly behavior. Greet your teachers when you meet them inside and outside the campus. Do not tuck up your dhothi when you are in the campus. Please note, it is a rude behavior to enter a room without being asked to, not to say ‘Thank you’ when something is done for you, to jump queues, to scramble for seats in the bus to get past a person, a door or passage without saying ‘Excuse me’ or not to say ‘sorry’ when you have bumped into some one.

27. Students are expected to spend their free hours in the Library/ Reading Room. They should not loiter along the verandahs or crowd at the gate or in the main road.

Dress Code

The dress worn by students shall always be clean, sober and dignified. Students should be formally dressed


The academic year is divided into two semesters.First semester is from June to October and the second is from November to March.


The college works under the full day system with two sessions, the morning session of three periods and afternoon session of two periods with a noon interval in between two sessions. In the morning, class begin with a two minutes prayer. When the bell for the prayer rings, all students shall stand up in their places for prayer. The class hours are from 9.45am to 3.30pm with a lunch break from 12.45pm to 1.30pm.


1. The Teacher will mark attendance at the beginning of each period.

2. A student who is not in the class when attendance is taken shall be marked absent.

3. Attendance shall be given to the late comers in the first hour, at the discretion of the teacher.

4. At the end of each term or at the beginning of the following term each student may check their attendance till then from the clerk concerned in the office.

5. Absence from class for an hour will be considered as absence for the session

The annual Certificate of Attendance and Progress required for promotion and for admission to the University Examinations will not be granted unless:

a) The student has at least 75% of aggregate of attendance semester wise and 50% attendance course wise.

b) The student has completed the course of instruction to the satisfaction of the authorities of the college;

c) His/Her progress in studies and conduct have been satisfactory.

d) He/She has attended all the examinations / Satisfied all other requirements.

6. Students whose attendance falls below the prescribed minimum shall apply for exemption to the university through the Principal. The application in the prescribed form shall be accompanied by a chalan receipt for Rs. 30/- upto 10 days Rs.50/- up to 20 days in an year. No exemption will be granted for more than once during a programme.

7. Students are informed that they should get 75 percent of attendance in a semester, and should they fall short, the deficiency will be condoned only by the Syndicate. No application for exemption will be recommended by the principal unless he/she is satisfied that the shortage of attendance was due to a cause beyond the student’s control.

8. Ordinarily long and continued illness will be accepted as a plea for shortage of attendance. Absence without leave will not be condoned under any circumstances.

Code of Ethics on Plagiarism and Malpractice in Research

Plagiarism is a serious offence in higher education as well as in research and this message is clearly conveyed to the students and faculty through academic discussions and awareness programmes. It is also conveyed that the appellate bodies of higher education have software that could detect plagiarism in the academic as well as research works that are produced by the students commmunity.